BioLife Solutions Expands Evidence Library With Citations of Bioproduction Tools in Scientific and Clinical Research

BioLife Solutions Refreshes Evidence Library

BioLife Solutions has expanded its Evidence Library. This new library highlights widespread adoption of many of our bioproduction and biopreservation tools and promotes new navigation tools, a robust search functionality and an easier way to connect with the BioLife Solutions’ team of scientists. Repository categories like: Cryopreservation, Hypothermic Storage, Cell Performance, Cell Processing and Handling, and Thawing empower users to uncover pertinent information about BioLife’s products within various stages of CGT research. 

Expanded view of Cryopreservation resource menu.


The image above depicts the new and improved resource menu within the Evidence Library at This will provide users a new visual organization to performance data in varying categories and formats.

The search bar at the top of the navigation menu now allows users to search for a variety of key terms.  So users can now search authors, product names, cell types, publications, or titles. This advanced search tool will improve the on-page experience by extending the search to include body content within the publication links. The creation of the new product categories and citation formats will ensure users receive comprehensive and relevant results when looking for evidence related to Stemulate® hPL, CellSeal® Semi-Automated Filling System, ThawSTAR®, CryoStor®, or HypoThermosol®.

Growing Body of Published Data Illustrates Broad Adoption of BioLife Solutions’ Biopreservation Media and Tools

At BioLife Solutions, our commitment to providing the latest library on biopreservation literature is unwavering. Therefore, our dedicated marketing and scientific teams conduct daily web searches and actively participate in major scientific conferences and symposiums. As a result, this proactive approach ensures that new evidence is promptly added to the repository as soon as it is discovered.

Growing count of scientific citations hosted in the BioLife Solutions Evidence Library.

We invite you to explore the Evidence Library section of our website, aiming to make it a valuable resource for our customers and partners, alike. In addition, your feedback and contributions are highly valued; please feel free to reach out to us at with any additions or feedback.  

BioLife Solutions continues to pave the way in biopreservation and bioproduction, not only through cutting-edge products, but also by providing a dynamic platform for users to explore relevant performance data supporting the adoption of our tools.

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